Top 10 Misteaks of September

From burning campings to cremations: it was getting hot, hot, hot in September! These are last month’s funniest misteaks.

1. News that’s hard to swallow.

1 cock
With thanks to Johan Honsia!

2. Lost in translation.

2 google translate

With thanks to Alonzo Lerone!

3. Made in America.

3 asia
With thanks to Johan Honsia!

4. Come on, baby, light my fire.

4 cremated

With thanks to Marianne Egging!

5. In education, you can’t cut budgets without cutting corners.

5 ollege

With thanks to Johan Honsia!

6. Crash and burn.

6 camping

With thanks to Eva Maenen!

7. Yo, yo, yo, dairy’s in da house!

7 homey
With thanks to Mieke Hippman!

8. Jesus has your back.

8 jesus
With thanks to the Lad Bible!

9. They really did a number on this one.

9 thirst
With thanks to Johan Honsia!

10. Better safe than sorry.

10 asia

With thanks to!

See more popular misteaks.

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